Conceived as music for OHT's theatre play (UN TEATRO È UN TEATRO È UN TEATRO È UN TEATRO), the homonym EP by Tomat confirms the Turin artist / producer as one of the most interesting contemporary and ambient voices in Europe. Here Tomat's music is at the complete service of space and, magmatic, develops and expands around the stage itself.
"Tomat creates delicate atmospheres that conjure up cinematic images that exude beauty" by Guillermo Escudero, published on LOOP Music, Culture & Technology - 02.X.2021
The single of the EP is titled Una farfalla è una farfalla è una farfalla è una farfalla and, together with the other 3 songs, is truly an extraordinary journey that Davide Tomat offers to the public who loves contemporary classic and the environment. These four pieces were made as a sound commentary on the theatre performance by OHT which premiered at the Venice Biennale on July 5th live in confirmation of how much Tomat's work is inseparably linked with the world of contemporary art in every aspects.

running time
EP - music