
The show, inspired by the homonymous text by architect Rem Koolhaas, stages a series of urban episodes symbolizing the Manhattanism; a too ambitious theory to be told. Delirious New York is a retroactive manifesto of Manhattan: arch Koolhaas argues that the city's architectural grid should not be analyzed by studying the buildings that compose it, but by investigating the psychology of those who built them. Therefore, the basis of the architectural delirium of New York is imagination, which is used here as a glue of clashing urban episodes.

The audience witness to a theatrical patchwork of images that burst into a process of free and personal association entrusted to the mind of the onlooker. The show hides a survey on human behaviour within the contemporary city: on stage are four people who, despite speaking the same language or different ones, can not communicate with each other. Notwithstanding the lack of communication, they still continue to talk to each other, and trying to get something out of this situation without worrying too much how. To emerge is a doubt: that the alacrity with which they try to overtake this lack of communication is a metaphor of their desire for a clearer identity? The question remains open, but the starting point is still a text of contemporary architecture that, like no one else, has succeeded in introducing itself into the genesis of a mythological city like New York City.

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Rem Koolhaas
Born in Rotterdam in 1944, he became a journalist for the Haase Post and began making various film scripts. His writing made him famous long before his buildings. After studying at the Architecture Association School in London in 1972, he received the Harkness Fellowship to travel and study in the United States of America. At this time he writes Delirious New York writes, a text that critics immediately defined a classic of architecture of modern society. In 1975, again in London, he founded the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) with Madelon Vriesendorm, Elia and Zoe Zenghelis. With OMA he created a series of buildings that enter into recent history of architecture such as the new Dutch Theater in Hauge, the Porto music house and the new campus at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. Currently, his studio has offices in Rotterdam, New York, Beijing, Hong Kong and Doha. More recently, Rem Koolhaas has been director of "Fundamentals" exhibition of the Architecture Venice Biennale presented in June 2014.



running time





by OHT | Office for a Human Theatre

> idea Filippo Andreatta
> dramaturgy Filippo Andreatta and Ilaria Mancia
> by and with Filippo Andreatta, Fiora Blasi, Sara Rosa Losilla, Patric Schott
> set-design Filippo Andreatta
light Arnaud Poumarat
> light technician Jacopo pace
> production OHT, Fondazione Caritro, Provincia Autonoma di Trento
> co-production Inteatro
> residency Centrale Fies, REACT! > Santarcangelo dei Teatri

production history

27-28.II.2007 Venezia, CZ95 
03-05.X.2008 > Rovereto, Manifesta 7 - parallel events 
19.II.2010 Trento, Teatro Cuminetti - CSC
17.XII.2010 Santarcangelo, Teatro del Lavatoio, 
06.IV.2011 Venezia, Teatro Fondamenta Nuove, 
20.VII.13 San Sepolcro, Kilowatt Festival
29.I.14 Rovereto, AltroPalco
07-08-09.XI.14 Roma, museo MAXXI
12-13-14-15.II.15 Milano, APACHE Teatro Litta
15-16-17.IV.16 Genova, Teatro della Tosse
20-21.IV.16 Milano, Triennale Teatro dell'Arte
22-23.IV.16 Rivoli, Castello di Rivoli museo d'arte contemporanea

number of replica