
What would happen if teens and young people were able to make their voices heard within the city's cultural programming?

What visions, languages, forms and artistic experiences would be proposed?

What ways of inhabiting shared space?

OHT and the Education Area of Mart, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto, unleash these questions through a project designed to accompany a group of young people aged between 17 and 25 in the construction of a cultural programme aimed, in particular, at their peers. no adresses young students and aims to meet their desires and interests through dialogue and exchange with curators, designers, artists and performers.

The group of participants is guided in the creation and definition of a series of activities open to the city, providing them with training, practical tools and economies to give life to a cultural proposal for the city. A micro-festival presenting the imagery and richness of the adolescent community's forms of thought and action around art, collective creation, and participation in public space.

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From July, a first shared creation phase will ask the participants to imagine a series of events, conceived for the Mart's internal and external spaces and open to a heterogeneous public. The proposals will then be concretely developed and defined with and by the group and offered to the city in a calendar of free occasions that will take place at the end of the summer.

The caravan of Little Fun Palace, an OHT curatorial project that for years has been bringing people together in public space, will mark the chosen spaces, a constant element around which the programme will revolve, an element that can bring together visual and urban arts, music, theatre, in an attempt to overcome the generation gap that too often characterises cultural venues.

no responds to the need to experiment new cultural practices: a way to make accessible the programming, before the artistic fruition, a way to building a collaborative space in terms of proposals, audiences and imaginaries. Both public and curators will be teens and young generations, called upon to take part in decision-making processes and invited to rethink cultural programming as a community tool, to create new spaces of freedom and expression.


summer>autumn 2024


Sculpture Garden, Mart Museum


> Lungomare
is a platform for cultural production and design. In cooperation with clients and artists*, it develops communication strategies and projects adapted to different and specific contexts. It promotes visual, curatorial and social communication projects, exhibition design and space planning. It develops meeting and dialogue spaces in the urban context and invites artist* to develop site-specific projects. It works on different scales and in multiple spaces: public and private, virtual and printed, urban and exhibition.

> Industria Indipendente / Erika Z. Galli
with Martina Ruggera, they create Industria Indipendente. Their artistic process crosses different languages and practices, in an uninterrupted search for affinity, epidermal sensitivity and gaze, moving between theatre, performing arts and visual art. Their works articulate issues such as the relationship between human beings and nature, the dimension of ‘unproductive’ time and the construction of alternative and fictional worlds in which to build communities and alliances.

> Silvia Costa
artist, director and performer, develops a visual and poetic theatre, nourished by a profound reflection on the role of images, their meaning and power over the spectator. Her creations are regularly performed at major Italian and international festivals. Since 2020, she has been a member of the multidisciplinary ensemble de la Comédie de Valence.

> Svolta
is the social planning office, born from the collaboration between Fondazione Trentina per il Volontariato Sociale, CSV Trentino and Fondazione Caritro. It organises itinerant training workshops on participatory planning methods and proposes accompanying courses on cultural planning, particularly aimed at the younger generations.

> OHT / Filippo Andreatta e Anna Benazzoli
Office for a Human Theatre is the independent company and research studio founded by Filippo Andreatta. OHT disrupts the hierarchy of vision and listening by realising shows, performances and installations in urban and non-urban contexts; it has reached the ice of the 79th parallel north to read Frankenstein around a fire, staged the bell tower of Curon/Graun; created Little Fun Palace, a parasitic caravan that has travelled to two continents and created the Nomadic School: a school on the relationship between performing arts and landscape.

> Angelica Stimpfl
creative specialising in handmade printing and graphics and communication. She experiments with and creates hybrid connections between the environments and relationships she experiences and by which she is inspired. She has collaborated with various musicians*, artists*, illustrators and festivals, realising their projects in the creation of customised products and graphics on paper. Her current base camp is Vervò in the province of Trento, where she leads the collective residency project Mugma, collaborating with various projects inside and outside the region.

> Francesca Musolino / Mart
communication and accessibility manager. She has worked with cultural institutions and organisations on the construction and promotion of projects, events and exhibitions. In 2021, she obtained the CPACC - Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competences certification, which now allows her to create accessible communication content, with the aim of making it accessible to the greatest number of people regardless of their ability. Today she is the contact person for web communication and digital projects at the Mart Museum.

> La Foresta / Francesca Bertolini e Matteo Pra
La Foresta is a community academy, a meeting and exchange space based in the North Wing of the Rovereto train station. It hosts and promotes participatory cultural, artistic, culinary, educational and other activities aimed at community building and setting positive eco-social transformations in motion. Through an immersive approach that actively engages the senses, each project explores new practices and creative methods to relate to the local geographical, social and cultural landscape and beyond. New knowledge, connections, interactions and links towards present and desirable futures emerge from its practices.


a teenage project by Office for a Human Theatre

with Education Area of Mart - Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto

with the contribution of Fondazione Caritro di Trento e Rovereto, Municipality of Rovereto, MiC
realised within the project The Floor is Yours, with the contribution of Creative Europe.