Project Mercury is the third (and final) chapter of OHT’s Performance Series, an on-going archive of shows inspired by the sociological research of Richard Sennett on emotional differences due to their working condition. A catalogue of the limits of daily life, embarrassments and deficiencies of our society that becomes theatrical matter through the use of irony. In this show, Patric’s vicissitudes go to Fiora and Chiara train to become astronauts. They are going to tackle what is an actual space odyssey. The inability to affirm themselves is concealed in every gesture and word of theirs.
However, they don’t give up and they fight to conquer their portion of space. Is their total absence of cynicism that transforms a cold photography studio into outer space bringing the show on the edge of an illusion and a real interstellar journey.

running time
Icon Design Magazine > Filippo Andreatta, tra teatro e architettura, 10.2016
La Repubblica > Agenda, 02.IX.2017
Andria news 24 > Project Mercury di Oht in scena al Castel dei Mondi 2017, 3.IX.2017
EmiliaRomagnaCreativa > Project Mercury, 1.III.2018
Sipario > Project Mercury - regia Filippo Andreatta, 15.X.2018
by OHT | Office for a Human Theatre
> idea, directing, set-design Filippo Andreatta
> by and with Fiora Blasi, Chiara Caimmi
> previous version with Sara Rosa Losilla / Isabella Mongelli
> dramaturgy Filippo Andreatta and Charles Adrian Gillott
> outer-space expert Paolo Giuseppe Bianchi
> costume Andrea Ravieli
> technician Giovanni Marocco
> stage manager Rosario Fontanella / Massimiliano Rassu
> producer Laura Marinelli
> administrator Chiara Fava
> production OHT
> supported by Fondazione Caritro, Provincia Autonoma di Trento
> residency Centrale Fies, Residenze IDRA, Teatro Cantiere Florida
> dedicated to Kat Elle, Rasmus Exo and Frida
production history
26.XI.2016 > Firenze, Teatro Cantiere Florida
29.VII.2017 > Dro, Drodesera Festival - Centrale Fies
02-03.IX.2017 > Andria, Festival Castel dei Mondi
25.XI.2017 > Brescia, Wonderland Festival
02.III.2018 > Modena, Teatro delle Passioni - ERT
05-06-07.X.2018 > Milano, Zona K
06.IV.2019 > Asti, Spazio KOR
13-14.XI.2019 > Roma, Angelo Mai
number of replica