OHT confronts a classic of Western literature; Frankenstein or the modern Prometheus. Moving around the time of the experiment, OHT makes partial and vertical lunges into the text, without limits of form, language and duration. The novel becomes material to be examined, dissected, re-stitched, a body available for different experiments: a performance, a reading session, an installation, an EP, an aborted radio drama, a filmic adaptation and finally a book are generated as parts of the same experimentation that proceeds horizontally through the Shelley’s story to investigate its multiple ramifications.
At the heart of the novel, the meeting between Frankenstein and his creature gives rise to pages that seem far from the best known features of the story. On Mont Blanc, in front of a small bonfire the creature exposes itself, takes the floor and tells of the long learning of language, of the world, of himself; in this narrative it is the voice, with its uniqueness, and the word, in its relational dimension, that reveal aspects of the text often overlooked in the many transpositions.

La Lettura > Frankenstein è uno choc climatico - 29.I.2023
PAC > La solitudine interstellare, i salti quantici e il cuore nel Frankenstein di OHT - 16.II.23
Sipario > Frankenstein - 19.II.23
Agenda17 > La crisi climatica è un mostro che sfugge al controllo e si diffonde - 20.II.23
Krapp Last's Tape > Frankenstein di OHT: tra mostro e ambiente - 25.II.23
Artribune > Il Frankenstein di Mary Shelley di OHT a teatro parla del mondo di oggi - 02.III.23
by OHT [Office for a Human Theatre]
> with Silvia Costa and/or Filippo Andreatta
> production Office for a Human Theatre
production history
25.VIII.21 > Nomadic School, Viote del Bondone
17.VI.22 > Centrale Fies, Dro
26.VIII.22 > Opera Estate, Bassano
26.I.23 > Loco's bar, Rovereto
2.II.23 > Loco's bar, Rovereto
14-16.IX.23 > museo MAXXI, L'Aquila
07.X.23 > Giornata del Contemporaneo, Rovereto
12.X.23 > The Arctic Circle, 79/80* N parallel
20.X.23 > Santa Marta, Venezia
14.IV.24 > Milan Design Week, Milano
08.VI.24 > Nomadic School, Sas de Putia
16.VII.24 > Scirocco festival, Pergine
15-16.IX.24 > Città delle 100 Scale festival, Potenza
24.IX.24 > Teatro Antropocene, MUSE, Trento
04.X.24 > Periferico festival, Modena
30.I.25 > Corte Palazzo Alberti, Rovereto
19.II.25 > Saari Residence, Mynämäki